User & Permission Management

By Jake Withecombe
Who can see, you decide
User & Permission Management

The Giraffe CCTV platform allows you to manage who has access to your team and what cameras they have permission to view and even what accessories they can control. In this document, you will see how to invite users to your team and how to manage their permissions.

Invite a new user

To invite a new user first log in to your ONVP account and go to the settings tab. Once there click on Manage Team Members.

User Management and 

Once you are in the Team Members page on the left-hand side you will see the option to invite a new user. Once you have entered a users email address they will be sent an email with a link to create an account. If they already have an account it will give them the option to join your team.

User Management and 

Once a user has accepted your invitation and created their account you will then be able to manage the type of user they are.

  • A “member” means the user will only have access to the live view/recordings pages and you can manage their permissions. They will not have any access to the settings tab.
  • An “admin” will have access to everything on your team other than the Billing portal. They will be able to edit other users and also change camera/tower settings including AI and alarm configurations. You cannot limit the permissions of an admin in your team.

You can change a user from a member to an admin or vice versa by clicking on the edit role button.

User Management and 

Manage Permissions

To manage a member’s permissions navigate back to the settings tab and click on “Manage Permissions”

Management and Permissions

Select the user you would like to manage in the drop down list on the right hand side.

Management and Permissions

Set the permissions you would like to set.

Management and Permissions

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