AI Preview

By Jake Withecombe
Powerful analytics onboard
AI Preview

The Giraffe Edge Controler has a built-in Google Coral Processor giving you far more powerful analytics than you can get from onboard camera analytics.

You can use this AI to set off an Active Threat Deterrent (Alarm Level) when a person or vehicle is detected. You will also get an event in the event history page and if you have an ARC they will receive an alert.

If you go to the camera settings page you can configure what alarm level you would like to set and will also get a preview of the AI detection.

AI preview view

Here you can see that a car has been detected however it is stationary and has therefore not triggered an alarm. This is shown by the green box.

AI preview view

As a person walks across the screen you will see a red box appear. This is what will trigger an alarm as an object has been detected that is moving.

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